Not as described on this product page, the GK96S doesn't have split spacebar function even though it is a "steel-plate" kit. The bottom three spacebar keys can't be recognized by the computer or its software itself.
I had double checked the split spacebar thing with the customer support before I bought it on sarcastic April 1. I received it at the end of April. Then I emailed them for 10 times and was asked to provide the proofs and videos for replacement. I did one by one followed their words. They even asked me to upload the videos on Youtube. Oops, I AM JUST A CUSTOMER, NOT A YOUTUBER.
They only reimbursed me the replacement shipping fee for 15% of the price, even though it's NOT the customer's fault. But a retail customer can't mail a 2-pound package by any postal service at that low price!
Now I'm still waiting for my replacement that nobody knows when the factory could start to manufact. But I'm still looking forward to receive it - this legendary months-long waiting keyboard kit. It's white, neat, and SHOULD have split spacebars. You do what you said.