Took about two weeks to go from pre-order to shipping during the holidays. But once shipped, it arrived quickly. I'm really loving this board the more I use it. It's sturdy with no bend and has a decent weight. Bright RGB and the keycaps are very nice. They're pudding keycaps but not shine through for the legends. I love the aquatic theme of the keycaps and the color is eye catching. There's foam in the bottom case, and a silicone layer between the steel plate and PCB. The plate mount stabilizers are probably the only meh part of the keyboard. They are a bit loose and you get a bit of ping when the key bounces back. I changed them out immediately with Durock stabilizers and the sound improved dramatically. I was very surprised to see that the PCB is a split space bar. You get two extra spaces for a switch beneath the space bar if you want to add an additional key and split your space bar into multiple keys. They take first generation Gateron optical switches which are pretty cheap now. A Gateron Brown optical switch would turn this into a typer's dream. Overall it's a 9/10 with one point taken away because of the stabilizers. But other than that, this is my new daily driver and I'm loving this keyboard.
Pros - Sturdy
Nice keycaps, Pudding keycaps but not shine through the top.
Already foamed and silicone between PCB and plate for sound dampening
Bright RGB
Split space bar
Cons - Loose stabilizers with some ping,
The software for changing RGB, macros, and keymapping has a learning curve. Best to YouTube it to figure it all out. Google Skyloong GK6 drivers to get the correct version of software.